
Pokemon smile cheats
Pokemon smile cheats

pokemon smile cheats

pokemon smile cheats

You sighed and continued to eat your ice cream and watch the "Notebook" You saw him pinning her against the wall and French kissing her like fuck. You saw him cheating on you with.Platinum. Hue, your guys favorite is pocky with pikapop soda. He loves you with all his heart and you guys spend cold days in your bed cuddling and eating junk food cause why not? As if she was wearing a shit on of make up and looked like she got a bunch off plastic surgery to make herself look like a barbie doll. Well he was the one who cheated on you with some bitch with red hair and purple eyes.Īpparently she got his attention with her "beauty". Ruby just broke up with you because he said you cheated on him with Emerald. You sat on your bed crying into a pillow, you already miss Silver. What happened was you spotted Silver making out with q blond haired girl and he was enjoying it! What the fuck? You thought he was the one, but guess not. Fucker!' you growled and went out the door. "Don't fucken get mad at me! I should be the one mad at you! You cheated on me Silver! I thought I could trust you! I guess our love wasn't ment to be or some shit. You slapped Silver so hard that he fell to the ground and looked up at you with surprise and anger. You ran away crying while I glared at Gold and flipped him off. His eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his socket. Gold was still wide eyes until he spotted you crying your eyes out. Gold went wide eyes while Lyra screamed "GET THIS THING OFF OF ME!" He tackled both of them to the ground and hissed at them. Ace looked at me and I pointed at Lyra and Gold. WHAT THE FUCK!!?!?!? I looked at you only to see you crying heavily and hiding your face in your hands. We both continued to stare until the couple turned around. I pointed at a couple who were making out on a bench. You were walking around in the mall with me, Hana, and looking for some good clothing like a dress since you and Gold were going out tonight. "Thanks guys," I smiled and let small tears go down my face. The pokemons gave me a sad look and snuggled into me. All the pokemon in viridian forest surrounded me and gave me a look. I looked at all the bug type pokemon and sat on a rock. I ran out of his house and didn't quit running until I was in viridian forest. I must be strong! I stood up and slapped him as hard as I can across his cheek. I didn't cry, I will not show him any tears. My throat went dry, he cheated on me? And enjoyed it. I made out with one of my fans and enjoyed it, she looked like you." "(name) please do not get mad, but I cheated on you. When he did comedown downstairs he gave me a sad look and sighed. He told me he has to tell me something important. I sat on the couch waiting for Green to come downstairs from his room. My number one priority was to make sure (name) is okay and make Red explain everything that happened when he's sober again. Oh well, he always did walk around the house naked sometimes. He looked at me with a drowsy look and gave me a what face. I kicked Yellow off of Red and grabbed him.

Pokemon smile cheats skin#

This son of a whore dare touch my older brother and make (name) cry? I WILL FUCKEN SKIN HER AND HANG HER SKIN ON A TREE!!!! I could tell because of the fact Red's eyes were duller then usual and his face was bright red, he would hiccup every once in a while. I fucken growled when I saw Yellow on top of Red. I (Lol, me Hana) came running in after I saw (name) crying. Both screaming each other's name as they came. The two didn't even hear the slam of the door and continued to have sex. I slammed the door and ran, tears dripping down my face as I let every single tear loose. Fuck, I have to leave before I bawl my fucken eyes out. Even your fangirls shipped us together and said we were made to be together. Why Red? Why? I thought we were a match made in heaven. I put my hand up against my mouth and cried silently. There layed a naked Yellow and Red on the floor having sex. I took the key out of my bag and pushed it into the key hole. Good thing I have an extra key Hana gave me. No answer.that's weird, he always answers the door no matter what. I walked up to Red's door way and knocked. Oh well, she is an awesome person for paying for such an expensive dinner, wait when does she have money? Hana was so nice sometimes, but ever so evil. Hana was paying since she said we should have a great time and have no worry at all. I was walking to my boyfriend's house since it was our 1 month university and we both agreed on going to a fancy restaurant to get food.

Pokemon smile cheats